220 Landing (Splash) Page Technology

Are you looking to gain more business in particular niches? Are you currently generating traffic utilizing Pay-Per-Click advertising or any other type of Target Marketing? If the answer is YES, then you owe it to yourself to investigate 220’s Customized Landing Page Options. Effective utilization of “landing” or “splash” pages are low-cost solutions that can often times double or even triple your current visitor to lead conversion rate.

220’s Customizable Landing Pages can be tailored around any particular niche or business opportunity that you wish to target. 220’s Landing Page options are designed to generate you more exclusive leads by converting a higher percentage of visitors into usable contact information. Your exclusive leads are then delivered in Real Time via text message and email as well as being accessible online. 220’s technology puts you and your team in a position to follow up with potential clients before your competitors have a chance.

Call us anytime to see how we can help – (619) 758-9696.


220 Landing Page Package Includes:

  • An Initial needs assessment with a 220 Advanced Marketing Expert
  • A customized landing page designed around the SPECIFIC niche that you wish to target
  • Text message notification set up to alert you of leads in Real-Time
  • Customizable Auto Response email that is sent out to the client upon form completion
  • Online Access to check and manage your leads
  • On-going Advanced Marketing coaching to ensure that you maximize your ROI

The 220 System is very flexible. We can also customize solutions to meet your specific requirements. Give us a call – (619) 758-9696.

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