Download the 220 App

Stay on top of your digital marketing and leads like never before. Download 220 Marketing’s mobile app today.

220 App main dashboard on iPhone 13
220 App contacts screen on iPhone 13

Quickly browse your business’s database and contact them on the go

No more searching through your email to find that person’s contact information.

Track and access your leads in real time

Now you can without having to log into your Admin Panel. Easily review their lead details so that you can follow up right away.

220 App leads screen on iPhone 13
220 App main dashboard on iPhone 13

Monitor your site from your phone

The 220 App links directly to your website so you can monitor it, pull up resources, and use your materials while on the go.

Get notifications instantly

Push notifications for new leads and important updates about your marketing system will appear immediately on your phone.

220 App push notifications

Available on Android and iPhone

Download it today!